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Harmonic Energy Alignment & Reintegration Therapy, Miami, FL

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Jed Shlackman, LMHC, provides services to clients in the Miami and South Florida area who are seeking to address a wide range of mind-body health concerns and challenges.

Harmonic Energy Alignment & Reintegration Therapy (HEART)

This is a holistic, integrative, and intuitive approach to healing and well-being based upon energetic principles recognized in physics and metaphysics. We are beings of consciousness and energy vibration with our energy field and energy patterns reflecting the interaction of our consciousness with the external environment and our beliefs and perceptions that shape our experiences.

When we are healthy and whole our energy field is coherent and harmonized, strong and balanced. When we are in states of dis-ease and dis-stress our energy is scattered or fragmented and discordant. A variety of life experiences can disrupt the integrity of our sense of self and security, leaving us out of balance. This means the flow and pulsation of our energy becomes distorted and out of harmony. The external signs of that disharmony and discord include emotional instability, addictive, compulsive, and impulsive behaviors, and just about any physical health challenge.

We develop resistance to the flow of life and to the flow of our own spiritual life energy as we react in ways to protect ourselve from perceived threats and adapt to unhealthy environments. In order to regain our health and wholeness we will need to release those constrictive, unbalanced energy patterns and thought patterns. We also will have to allow our emotions to flow and move through us to be released rather than holding them within our bodies and energy fields.

Harmonic Energy Alignment & Reintegration uses healing hands energy vibration, sound vibration, breath, intention, and surrender/allowance to help us reintegrate ourselves and realign ourselves with the consciousness and energetic potential of our spiritual source. Imagine yourself in a state of freedom and purity of being - no judgment of oneself or others, no resistance to any aspect of life or to any past, present. or future experiences. Just feeling grateful for Creation and the opportunity to explore the potential within oneself and the challenges and joys of being alive. Feel your heart opening to the pulse of life, to the essence of Creation flowing through you and connecting you to all life. This is being aligned with life and integrated within oneself - reunification.

Call for an appointment today!

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