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Alternative Thyroid Healing, Holistic Health Resources & Therapies

A Holistic Approach To Thyroid Health: What Alternative Healing Methods Can Help Restore Thyroid Functioning?

Welcome! Those seeking alternative healing therapies, coaching, and consultations for assisting with mental, physical, and spiritual health and well-being may contact Jed Shlackman, LMHC, C.Ht. at (305) 259-0013. Before calling please read the contents of this page and educate yourself about alternative approaches to treatment and healing. The contents of this site are for educational and informational purposes and are not intended to replace diagnosis and treatment by qualified healthcare professionals.

The word "alternative" is typically used to refer to that which is an option outside of the mainstream or convention within the existing structures and systems of society. In healthcare this usually means outside of what the mainstream medicine standard of care might be. Since mainstream medicine focuses a lot on pharmaceutical treatments, surgeries, and symptom focused therapies, approaches that focus more on natural remedies, mind-body healing, and subtle energy therapies are often referred to as alternative healing.

From Jed Shlackman, M.S. Ed., LMHC: Since having a hypothyroid condition as a child I have explored and researched a wide range of information and approaches to thyroid health as well as overall health. The health of the thyroid is not separate from the well-being of the rest of the body or from one's psychological well-being. From what I have learned from others and from my own experience, factors that affect thyroid health include psychological and social stresses, energy imbalances, exposure to toxins and pathogenic microbes, nutritional deficiencies and dietary imbalances, immune dysfunction, digestive disturbances, and physical injuries.

The thyroid gland is located in the throat area and relates to our energy of self-expression and using the power of our voice for communication. When we are having difficulty with using that power of communication, whether it is due to our own lack of confidence in speaking up or to other people ignoring or suppressing our communication, the energy in this area tends to become constricted. This disruption of healthy, vibrant energy flow leads to less efficient functioning in that area of the body, so there is a greater chance of toxins building up in that area and pathogens targeting that area. This then can lead to an inability of the gland to synthesize or maintain adequate hormone levels. With the thyroid hormones the body needs the element iodine to make the hormones, so too little iodine in the diet or too much exposure to other halogen elements (chlorine, bromine, fluorine) can interfere with hormone metabolism. Often there is a perfect storm of these risk factors coming together to produce a thyroid illness.

While there was a historical recognition of iodine deficiency and hypothyroidism that led to iodine being added to salt our modern world presents further challenges with the other halogen elements found in many compounds we are exposed to, such as chlorine and fluoride in water and dental products as well as medicines and other products, and bromine in processed breads. Soils are also increasingy depleted of trace minerals so those who don't consume seafoods or any supplemental iodine may not get enough to protect themselves from the excess of other halogen elements or from radiation exposure.

People are also commonly exposed to heavy metal toxins and to various infectious agents (viruses, bacteria) that may accumulate in the thyroid and trigger what physicians often diagnose as autoimmune syndromes. Autoimmune symptoms are really just the symptoms of a chronically activated immune system - such as inflammation and elevated antibody levels - due to a threat persisting. The solution is not really to take drugs to suppress the inflammation, but to address the source of the threat, which is toxins and microbes. Clearing out the toxins and boosting the immune system's resources to clear out pathogens will enable the immune response to subside. This includes shifts in one's diet and lifestyle to improve digestion and immunity and allow the body to catch up with its cleansing and detoxification routines. Reducing psychological stresses and conflicts and restoring healthy energy flow (with energy-based therapies like yoga, acupuncture, breathwork, and reiki) is also a vital element in supporting the healing process.

Educational Links

Dr. Izabella Wentz, Thyroid Pharmacist
The Thyroid Secret
10 Signs You Have A Thyroid Problem & 10 Solutions For It
Foods That Heal The Thyroid
Thyroid Healing Overview From Anthony William
Thyroid & The Throat Chakra
Thyroid Debacle: Cellular Hypothyroidism And Funvtional Medicine

Videos (Youtube)


Overcoming Thyroid Disorders Third Edition by David Brownstein, M.D.
Thyroid Healing, by Anthony William (The Medical Medium)

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Contents of this site Copyright 2004-2019, Jed Shlackman, LMHC

Information provided here is for educational purposes and is not to be considered medical advice, it is not intended to be used for diagnosis or treatment, which you are encouraged to seek from the qualified health care professionals of your choosing.

Contact: Phone - 305-259-0013 / Email -

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